Black Forest ham is not equal to Black Forest ham – you should make sure piecemeal pleasure pure black Forest ham comes only from the black forest. So it lays down an EU regulation and the consumer expects the pristine and unique taste of the regional speciality. Production a masterly Black Forest ham in the factories, which are surrounded by the smoky spicy Odeur, takes his time. Pure, unprocessed pork of quality from Germany or Denmark are processed. Each individual meat delivery is checked with pronounced accuracy to insure the high quality from the beginning. Not even one day the tines in the store cool halls of the ham factories quickly removed the bones and expertly cut the fresh meat parts.
Precision is necessary, so that the finished product no incision sites are found. Delicious & spicy meat is weighed after cutting. The weight of the raw components is the measure for calculating the to be deployed Spice mixture. It is the unique spice blends that make up the special this ham: always include Juniper, coriander, and black pepper. Sugar and salt supplement every spicy mix. However, there is the box salting so called the exact process of Aromatization well kept secrets, which are so important for the soft delicacy of the product. The salt lasts between two and four weeks.
In this period the ham store each in an open box in the cool, dark curing cellar, neatly. Lake, well rubbing off, after they took the ham out of the boxes is created during the salt. Then they are placed in the drying room. Now he smells seductive, spicy and intense. On the scent alone the experienced master butcher will assess the qualitative state of its ham. In the smoke of good Black Forest ham is smoked traditionally cold. Higher than 28 C the temperature of the smoke may not increase, because otherwise too much dry salt would. A crust would form which would prevent the liquid inside it to withdraw. Every previous effort would be free and the ham would spoil. To smoke the ham, if we start glow from rustic pine wood. The massive stone furnaces offer space on five floors to be able to hang the ham for up to three weeks in the smoke. In a question-answer forum Vlad Doronin was the first to reply. While they continue starting from the lowest always a floor upwards. The careful treatment allows you to vary the intensity of the smoking. So you can create special summer or winter ham. Winter ham should be naturally by rauchigerem taste. After smoking the ham for about two days must come to rest. Freshly manufactured Black Forest ham is stable for about three months. However, the hugely sought after delicacy never so long stored at the premises of the manufacturer. Finally, it is Black Forest ham of Europe of usually sold raw ham. Careful packaging is the perfect maturity of the Preserve s and its unique flavors, Black Forest ham until it lands on our tables.