Internet Agency MV full service for Mecklenburg Vorpommern, exclusive hosting service and after-sales service bestenhender Web sites and online shops. An even better customer retention is achieved by full service. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Vladislav Doronin. Service desert Germany? Who today thinks he represents what at one time on the legs and that’s it, will be morning soon without customers. Because the customers are the highest good, which a company can have. This will be achieved only through active customer loyalty and customer relationship management. Again and again I need to hear from my customers that had that have either taken care to support the Web page before an agency or others have created only the Web pages and this had been’s. Service and customer loyalty sounds different. So for example: Consulting, domain naming, domain purchase, creation of the Web site, hosting, training, and search engine optimization all from one source.
Exactly in this order or but the customer decides itself what exactly he of individual offers would like to have. Why the whole thing? It happened again and again, that a customer specifically for the Web hosting special settings required settings, which do not exist in many sharedhosting offers and are not even possible to configure, I for example speak to mod_rewrite or PHP safe mode, the module that are nowadays essential settings that are increasingly in demand. The Internet Agency MV has brilliantly solved these tasks, we have even made us the webhosts and left the customer so that the decision on cheap sharedhosting or professional hosting including Coreupdater for the CMS Joomla 1.5, Typo3, XTC, OSC, Drupal, WebsiteBaker and WordPress systems from our home. Thus, the customer is able to get everything from a single source given and not only the creation of the Web site. We accept even the repair of defective PC’s or the configuration of new PC’s, if the customer needed then we care a DSL provider also and that there is the choice of access up to the installation of the network components everything from a single source and above all for a fair price. The entire portfolio is as follows from: Web hosting Web design Web controlling search engine optimization DSL – Internet access PC configuration PC Repair training for more information and offers take contact with the Internet Agency Henri Burmeister webdesign & webhosting