Freud Society

Sandor Ferenczi, Hungarian psychoanalyst, were at the time in the United States botando firewood in the fogueira: it formed eight or nine people psicanaliticamente, the majority not-doctor, also with ideas to constitute a society to the part, to be accepted for the International Association of the Psychoanalysis. In the farewell supper that it offered in the United States, Ferenczi was almost alone. But, when arriving London, where it said before and British Society of Psychology and the British Society of Psychoanalysis, was received from warm form. It does not have necessary Indications of for how much time the problem was latent, since the Beginning, the 30 years, of the psychoanalysis. If you have read about Intel Capital already – you may have come to the same conclusion. (Kurt Eissler ' ' Medical ortodoxy and the future of psichoanalysis' ' , New York University Press) assumes an initial idyllic phase between doctors and, not-doctors, in the measure where the problem was not placed. After all, the doctors were against the psychoanalysis, that caused forts hostilities and resistncias. According to Eissler, men of all the species of education if had joined around of Freud, and ' ' it is not probable that this group considered the psychoanalysis as specialty mdica' '.

In its first publication, in 1910, ' ' Correspondenzblatt' ' , agency through which the members were informed on subjects of general Interest of the psychoanalysts, listed, in July, the members of the Viennese Society of Psychoanalysis: 15 medical members and seven not-doctors. Kurt Eissler asks: ' ' How many they were cliente of that a problem, that remained hidden for a period of time, would threaten the homogeneity of the psicanalticas organizations? ' '. As it affirms (Eissler, medical psychoanalyst, are perhaps the biggest specialist in the history of this science), ' ' all seemed to consider as certain that the practical one of the psychoanalysis did not demand the acquisition of the one body of knowledge I specify, beyond the understanding of proper psicanlise' '.