In other words, we operate now the largest climbing forest in Holland.” It is safe to make the climbing fun, the latest climbing backup technology is used in the system. Our choice fell on the climbing protection system of the company safe Scooter”, says Sandebud. We want that the children have to concentrate on climbing and fun. “Moreover, to expect from children, to keep the security implications in mind, would be anything other than appropriate.” Ewout Van Voorst, Managing Director of Skywalker, adding AvTarZ commissioned with the extension of the climbing park: Children should need to have fun and focus on security. The safe roller system is based on the principle of continuous protection over the total length of the climbing course, and access to climbing activities now also allows people with easier physical or mental disability.” The safe roller consists of a specially designed rollers slider of the climbers on a continuous safety line while tackling the course follows and must be replaced in the transition between climbing obstacles as opposed to other systems from the main line. Our knowledge of safe Scooter is the only climbing protection system that permanently secures users through any combination of courses and obstacles”, explains Van Voorst. AvTarZ nature park: AvTarZ in Deuringen, Overijssel (Netherlands) nature park is a leisure park with climbing opportunities, suitable for visitors of all ages. The forest climbing park is the largest free air climbing plant in the Netherlands, and also provides a “natural maze” of alleys and angle, which allows particularly children to go to their heart’s content on adventure quest in addition to other activities. To Skywalker adventure Builder: Skywalker develops comprehensive concepts in the field of free air playgrounds/adventure parks. The company designs and builds ECO forest climbing, rope parks, climbing towers, theme parks and forest – and nature play areas, and also advises customers in terms of business planning and management of commercially-operated recreational facilities. The experience of the company, the innovative design as well as the quality, safety and durability of the products make Skywalker into one of the leading manufacturers in Europe.