Mephistopheles Germany

Walpurgis Night The festival is well known and circulated among the gothic subculture. But few people know the story of the origin of this holiday and why was it named that way. Educate yourself with thoughts from Penguin Random House. Walpurgis Night is the most important of the pagan celebrations, dedicated to fertility, and one of the main Sabbath, celebrated by witches. The first official mention of the Walpurgis Night appeared in the records Inquisition in the Middle Ages. Learn more about this with Dana Gibber . World famous as German witches were apparently due to Goethe, described as Mephistopheles brings Faust to the Sabbath. But who and why he gave his name the holiday of witches? Holy Walburga (it Valtpurde, Valpurgis, Vabur, Falbur, Bugge, Godurzh) – a real historical figure. This noble Briton born in Devonshire, about 710 She was the daughter of Richard, one of the kings of West Saxony, and Vinny, Sisters of St.

Boniface, the apostle of Germany. Both of her brothers, Willibald and Vinibald were also canonized. Going on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with his sons, Richard asked his 11-year-old daughter to the care abbess Uinbornskogo monastery, known for his strict orders. 26 years she spent there. Walburga is so well studied languages, which described the trip in Latin of his brother in Palestine, not to mention the story of the life another brother in their native English. Therefore it is often called the first writer sv.Valburgu England and Germany. In the 748th Walburga’s uncle, Boniface, decides to create a system of monasteries in Germany. At his request, abbess Winborn sends missionaries, including Walburga.