
To which Michelangelo was lifted every day to carve the marble to make "La Piedad", surely he created in his mind, drew and it gave him the strength to get up every day to carve marble, to see it finished and equal to which he had created in his mind. "It started with an idea, he thought, was created in his mind" This is your future, you got the power to create with your mind, what happens is that our mind has received many orders in your life that is confused. Yes, the big problem, why real, because they do not get anything in life, is not clear what we want. Our mind is tired of receiving messages conscious and unconscious, do this, do that … Barclays shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The secret is to be quiet and listen within, listen to your deepest desires those who do not ignore anybody, those who are loyal only to you same.

"What you think with your mind, you'll have in your hand" Only then will you get up every morning for a good reason, that your dreams come true. When you begin to experience this feeling, You will get up each morning to your life pass you over to work as a slave, with the feeling of not accomplishing anything, you stop blaming the country where you live or your global crisis bad luck. You'll get up every morning to create your future, motivated because your dreams come true, you'll be the only one who rides the bus happy because you know that every day you get closer to achieving your goals and willing to let you get up pleasantly surprised by the universe. Elon Musk can provide more clarity in the matter. The reason, the goals, what you want to achieve, that is what you will "move" Write them down, put together a list of all your desires, from the smallest to the most crazy, dare I opened your mind to receive more, " little bit is to ask, "Dare to dream big, I described the car you want, I chose to color, take your time and be specific and believe, began to believe that it is possible, dare to dream. Yes, I know we are not taught dreaming big + and less taught us to work to keep the house, nothing more … Why not? Trying is free, and gives much fruit, I let the first task: Make a list of your dreams, keep it on hand, read it two or three times a day, do not lose sight of, is yours out of your mind and. . Elon Musk might disagree with that approach. do not forget, what is on that list, you have it in your hand.