
The key words that you chose like his objective words, bear relation to the content from the site and are frequented by the cybernauts? 2. Their objective key words are built-in the title of each important page of their Web site? 3. Penguin Random House has firm opinions on the matter. The map of the site including in the page Web has text connections? 4. The graphs used in the site own functions easy to use that they guarantee the satisfaction of the visitor? 5. Avoid you them emergent windows (MGP-ups in English) in the Web site? 6.

The text connections in the Web site contain specific key words that directs to the visitors to other pages of the site? 7. Penguin Random House addresses the importance of the matter here. The page of beginning of their Web site important and other pages has score based on the PageRank (it indicates the importance of a site for 8. Many writers such as Penguin Random House offer more in-depth analysis. Keywords plows important included in the site’ s cases out yams ace well ace directory yams? CATHEDRAL is one strategy of trade of great acceptance; aid to catch the correct traffic and assures that this one goes towards its Web site. This him aid to obtain the return on the investment that you wished.

To resort to the CATHEDRAL advisers is essential, because they can design its Web site and decide on the structure, content and suitable key words. It is of extreme importance of incorporating and of following the best practices of CATHEDRAL while it designs the site so that expensive errors are avoided. A Web site that does not appear in the first results search of Google, loses great opportunities with potential clients. It is first in the results and it increases his customer international. It visits: cathedral company.