PETs Manager

The techniques of collection of data had been comment of the place (infrastructure) and cultural factors of the freqentadores in relation the questions related to the environment the implementation of this project were carried through in diverse stages, which had been carried through gradually, similar of that the objectives were reached in its fullness, this gradual process provided to greater easiness of acceptance on the part of all the involved ones, also of those more resistant mannering changes. The number of stages, as well as the sequences of priorities had been established in agreement necessity and interest of the orienting and implementador ambient manager of this project. All the involved ones first had been observed by the ambient manager and those that had together demonstrated practical knowledge and of subjects related to the environment with leader characteristic, had been called to be ' ' supervisores' ' of the project and to help mainly in the motivation of all for the accomplishment of the project and in the collection of the necessary materials for the confection of pufes. All the comment process was carried through of open and without no type of secrecy and opened form for possible suggestions. All the comments and suggestions duly had been analyzed, and in cases of notoriety of its relevance to the objectives of this project they had been used. Some of the stages initially suggested of the project had been: Elaboration of educative material and of the brochures of spreading of the project; Spreading of the date of beginning of the project through brochures to be distributed in the school, of form to attract the biggest number of people; Beginning of the collection of PETs bottles, adhesive ribbons, fabrics, necessary to the confection of pufes, that they had been carried through by the interested parties in also participating of the project and by the ambient manager; Up to 10 days before the beginning project, the necessary material for the elaboration of first pufes was gotten all; In the date of inauguration of the project, the educative material was distributed all; the concepts of &#039 had been explained; ' 4 R? s' ' , emphasizing the benefits to the environment and the health and hygiene human being, and finally it started to also explain the project of elaboration of pufes from the reutilizao of PETs bottles, relating the benefits of the project to the environment and in the generation of income for the school or even though families; One observed the potentials ' ' supervisores' ' that they had assisted the ambient manager in the development of the project and invited to participate them it; finally, after the ending of the implantation of the project, had the accompaniment so that the developed and implanted project, did not paresse in the school.