Sad History

That day was atypical, I became involved myself and I finished forgetting my consultation routine. Costumo to say that my days in the south are short and in the north is long. But my son bound of the college to inform to me of my commitment and if she offered to follow me. I accepted with joy its offers. We leave half house behind and we are imprisoned in the transit. I noticed that one Sir beggar if approached to the car and as I am escaldado cat I felt a certain distrust. My son informed that the beggar was person of the peace and she asked for ten Reals to me that it passed to it and asked if it was all good, recommended that it fed itself and if he fired because the cars had started if to put into motion. She counted the history to me of the beggar who was a lawyer with doutorado in London.

It studied Right with the mother of a friend of my son. He was an excellent pupil, he passed in first place in the vestibular contest and in the formation he received mention honrosa. In the bar examination it was shining. The mother of the friend of my son did not obtain to pass in the examination. It was to make doutorado in London soon after to make the mestrado one in So Paulo.

In the return he fixed residence in its native city where it married a course colleague and had worked together. Of the union two children had been born. The couple was very happy. It was a so calm union that its woman did not notice that it was quaint. It only noticed when it started to be modified. It was all good and of the nothing it started to have vises. He cannot more work, he passed the businesses for its woman and has equipped and he was if to isolate in a farm in Belm of Par.