Social Benefits

‘ ‘ The companies train to make use of a team of better level and to obtain bigger productivity and results melhores.’ ‘ (LACOMBE; HEILBORN, 2003, P. 270). The authors had also warned that he does not train only the new employees and only in this occasion; the training must all be successive and for the staff, in a process of continuous recycling in order erroneamente to break habits and customs acquired with the time. f) Internal research: It is the possibility to supply to the collaborators the possibility of to carry through feedback of its performance and the positioning of the company. It has the inquiry simplest, informal, that it happens in the sphere of the department, that dialogue with the colleagues and with it commands. Already the formulated research, that uses the techniques of a marketing research (however directed the internal customer), searchs to know the level of satisfaction of its staff, to analyze the coherence of the culture of the company, to get given for the social rocking, to know on the organizacional climate, to reach elements for the elaboration of benefits destined to the employees and to perfect the treatment with these. g) Benefits: The benefits must be adjusted for each person, be differentiated and be formulated independent, therefore each person needs different things and in different times.

‘ ‘ The people have different necessities, feelings and perceptions. The same reinforcement (it rewards) will be able to condition different comportamentos.’ ‘ (AGUIAR, 2005, P. 210). The different existing groups in the company, with distinct peculiarities, inside lack to be recognized of it, so that the communication, the boarding and the analysis of its necessities are more necessary.