Supreme Court

That procedural violations when considering the court cases are massive and unprecedented, creating the image of justice that it deserves. Russia's Supreme Court on appeal, consisting of 7 sheets, can and do restrict one phrase: 'you gave us nothing new is reported, and all what you said, it was already the subject of the previous instances. " Even without seeing parties and of the complainant, as the personal reception of citizens and advocates in the courts long ago abandoned oversight, supervisory judge involved literally "clairvoyance" and just as easily as you can see the revocation of the "right on the merits" of the solution, when these decisions clearly and read something impossible! What kind of legal protection in such a formal approach can we talk? In order to determine public attitudes to justice and to conduct opinion poll, is not necessary. Nisa want to live in an old, riding nor to aspire to live a new life, because in this case may appear civil society, which will operate much more complicated. Then the subjects, becoming citizens, can figure out what the true essence 'Judicial Reform' – the independence of the judiciary from public opinion, protected by immunity, and dependence on wage guarantees thanks to the system. Verbatim quote the opinion of one of the lawyers: "The judges independent of the state and society, and subordinate only to the law, in fact, be independent from the law, too. . Believe in such a formula do not want to, but inevitably remember that all federal judges are appointed by the President only and no representative bodies to them have no relationship. .