Sports Fitness

Fitness apps for smartphones to increase the motivation of fifty percent of the German population are overweight. How can obese or interested in fitness and sports people use Smartphones, apps and gadgets (electronic extensions), to improve their physical condition? Can smartphones and apps installed contribute to a higher motivation at sports and fitness? There are …

High-class Halle Magic

The Futsal masters of Wurttemberg Football Association inspire ROTHENBURG, HEDELFINGEN (RL) – in Stuttgart-Hedelfingen the C-Juniors took place this past weekend Futsal masters of Wurttemberg Football Association we. 15 teams from the districts of Andrew had qualified for the final of the Association and at the end of last year’s winner SV rooms would have …

German Sports Youth

Cooperation in child and youth work in the sport Bochum/Frankfurt am Main, September 1, 2010 – the German sports youth (dsj) supported the German sports badge. The largest joint project of German sports clubs offers a free member and Club card and one with information and communication portal, in which for the first time …