The Secret Of My Calixto Success Rosemary Group Rosemary

Calixto Calixto rosemary Holy Hernandes Rosemary, natural of narrow Spain. I arrive at Paita in 1880 and abri a store of hats in Catacaos, activity that later it impulse to the manufacture of these products with export aims. Already before Calixto it had had enterprise adventures in EE.UU., Cuba, Bolivia and Chile, but since it …

Western Europe

Also information will be compiled on the distribution of the population and the uses of the ground within each one of the municipal terms, classifying as well the buildings according to its uses and considering the population assigned to each construction. Finally, one will compile information on barriers and obstacles, contours, location of schools, hospitals …

The Pachamama

From the inauguration of the event, that finalizes today, Morals denounced the historical debt of Capitalism with the Mother Earth, we only have two ways: The Pachamama (Mother Earth, in aymara) or the death. Capitalism dies or dies the Mother Earth. Capitalism lives or lives the Mother Earth. That forceful the Bolivian president expressed itself, …