
The people differ how much to its basic motivacional impulse, and the same individual can have different levels of motivation, that vary throughout the time, that is, it can to be more motivated at a moment and less in another occasion. The conclusion is that the motivation level varies between the people and in one same person through the time. Beyond the individual differences, the variations in individual in function of the moment and the situation exist the same. Motivation mentions the internal and external forces to it of a person, whom enthusiasm and persistence in following certain course of action provoke. The motivation of the employee affects the productivity, and part of the work of the administrator is to canalize the motivation for the accomplishment of organizacionais goals. The study of the motivation it helps the administrators to understand what he induces the people to initiate an action, what he influences its choice of action and why they persist in this action during all the time. (DAFT, 1999) While the general motivation is related with the effort in direction to some personal objective, we prefer here to narrow our focus in the work situation. Thus, motivation is the desire to exert high levels of effort in direction determined the objective organizacionais, conditional for the capacity to satisfy some necessities individual.

The motivation is related with three aspects: – the direction of the behavior (objective); – the force and intensity of the behavior (effort); – the duration and persistence of the behavior (necessity). (HAMPTON, 1992) the three basic elements in our definition of motivation are: organizacionais effort, objectives and individual necessities. When a person is motivated, it tries to work more arduously. (CHIAVENATO, 2000) Chiavenato (2004) says that the motivation can also be activated by the mobility of the people in the work. The motivations also are affected by the form as the cultures establish a commitment between the professional life and the private life.