
Just look 10 years younger to back up your youth who would not look with 40 30 or 50 like 40? Just when man or woman also has exceeded the 40’s going gets tough? Yes ok, before there were even a few wrinkles, but from 40 years of age, we have nevertheless already times tired, the wrinkles are numerous and particularly deep and announce drooping eyelids or bags. Sandra Osweiler, freelance medical journalist wants to know what you can do about it. Continue to learn more with: New York Life . She asks the experts for facial surgery Dr. med. Michael A. King, chief physician of aesthetic plastic surgery in the KLINIK am RING, Cologne: Mr. Dr. King, I am now 42 years old.

What would you say, I would have to do to secure me the advertised start of 10 years?\” Is there equivalent to a huge facelift or a wrinkle treatment, I’m also now say with Botox? Dr. Michael A. King: Well, Yes, there is a safe or other companies. I would first of all to guess that they are make friends with the injections of of wrinkles with botulinum toxin, called also Botox and hyaluronic acid. With this smaller and especially gentle measure is already incredibly much cause.\”Soso, gently…

There were also already pretty many horror pictures through the media. Disfigured by Botox, mask-same faces, which could… have more almost up at all no facial expressions\” Dr. Michael A. \”King: accidents\” there are sure. However, something not for experienced plastic surgeons who perfectly know the anatomy of the face happens. Unfortunately, nowadays virtually every doctor can offer the anti-wrinkle treatment after a weekend seminar. Worse happens also when low-cost suppliers abroad. Since we experience here so some.\”I’ve heard that you put especially on gentle methods and are here highly specialized. Can you give a few examples of me?\” Dr. Michael A. King: That’s right, it comes me especially, to proceed at any time gently and carefully.