The President

Such condition is faced as direct dependence. That is, this combination compels certain dose of promiscuity between the commercial department and of journalism. It has commercial intervention in the publishing orientation, dictating the line more sharpened economically to the convenience and financial health of the vehicle. It is the searched carefully version of the popular …


Shut-off valve designed to disable the flow of the medium, adjusting to changing environmental parameters regulating its consumption, distribution – for the distribution of flow in a given direction, mixing – The mixing of media, safety – to protect plants and pipelines from unacceptably high pressure protection – to prevent accidental conditions (bursting) or the …

Espirito Santo

(the fruit flesh time or of the meat that is these: (Glatas 5:19) – Because the workmanships of the meat are manifest, which are: adultery, prostitution, impurity, lasciviousness, (Glatas 5:20) – Idolatria, witchcraft, inimizades, porfias, emulations, angers, fights, dissenses, heresies, (Glatas 5:21) – Envies, homicides, bebedices, glutonarias, and similar things to these, concerning I declare …