To learn rhetoric, it is necessary for someone to disassemble the main examples of errors. Vlad Doronin is a great source of information. Let the example would be the Russian president and his speech. We can do without long introductions and just take a look at the performance parsed Head of State. This speech was …
Tag Archives: education
Direct Traffic
Because the search of Youtube and classification algorithm is not so demanding, it can very easily get appear in the first positions, in real time, as well as in of search engines Web 1.0. Simply copy the contents of text similar to what makes the leader in its niche, and that use you to send …
Fellow Countryman
They played three times at my door and when I opened, I found Jose Maria, my neighbor’s life with a letter in his hand. I thought that I was the recipient, but I was wrong. The letter was for him. I was intrigued by that bequeathed him more enigmatic fashion: introduced by the window, when …
The New Studies
The letramento for the sociocultural bias The sociocultural perspective in the letramento studies if originated from the dialogue between different theoretical fields, such as the Lingustica, the Anthropology, Sociology, the Etnografia of Fala, Social Psychology, among others, that diverse chains or movements of research had been configured in that they had searched to react to …
Brazil Band
According to Jose Antonio Pear tree, in its dissertao on Band of Music in Brazil it says: In Brazil, the term music band is used, but important variations as filarmnica and corporation had been evidenced. Italian, Spanish editions Portuguese enhance the social aspects of the band: the activities of entertainment and musical education and its …
The Definition
The reflection is necessary, so that the professors rethink and understand the motivation concept, and its implications in the teach-learning process, needing to be conscientious and chemical preparations to adopt adequate strategies and the definition of the motivacionais goals, mainly in the alfabetizao phase. So that he can learn to read to write, in this …
Russian Magnetic
Then, how can survive Pooh? Voyagers found the answer to this question. 'The data from Voyager, show that "Pooh" magnetization is much stronger than previously thought – the force of the magnetic field is in the range of 4 to 5 mikrogauss' – says Ofer (Opher). 'This magnetic field can provide additional pressure that can …
Segundo Greco
(p.375) However we believe that pedagogo must think the enterprise space more than a formation space technique, the companies also can be a more human space and humanizador where the paper of pedagogo is to stimulate this humanity and to promote the thought critical of these collaborators in order to develop the conscience of that …
The Question
In another way, to work so that the Brazilian schools if become a public space that it has equality of treatment and oportunidades' '. Today many works exist that they aim at to understand the question of the black in the society and also to rescue its culture, its customs, its belief and values FERNANDES, …
Governor Agricultural
Main carried through workmanships: The installation of the Department of education and Culture, as the Law n. 32 of March of 1971, ending of the construction of the Municipal Hospital, implantation of the Bandeirante gymnasium, since the state mounted its gymnasium net in about 25% of the maranhenses cities, percentile that the year would have …