The Question

In another way, to work so that the Brazilian schools if become a public space that it has equality of treatment and oportunidades' '. Today many works exist that they aim at to understand the question of the black in the society and also to rescue its culture, its customs, its belief and values FERNANDES, 2007; BOCK, 2007; HERNANDEZ, 2006; PANTOJA, 2004). However, still the reached result is small mainly when it is mentioned to the valuation of the black black while. The racial discrimination and the preconception still reveal gifts in such a way in the schools as in other sectors, even so it has many nuances and the discrimination if it shows in subtle way. A study carried through for UNESCO on the racial relations in the school it affirms that ' ' … the race concept implies to consider its plasticity necessarily, pondering the dynamics that the mestization provokes in the sociorraciais relations in terms of gradations, wants how much the stigmata, want how much the acceptances and nominations of outro' ' (UNESCO, P.

145, 2006). Although the importance of the subject, does not exist many research on this question in Roraima. Arantes, Macedo, Joaquin, Magalhes, Saints, Sheep and Saints (2009) portray the question of the preconception against the aboriginal peoples of the state. However, they are ignored by its presence and are treated as ' ' caboclos' '. Sheep (2009, p.161) affirms that ' ' although in some cases the presence of indians is basic for the attendance of its interests, as in the arregimentao of man power barata' '. If to compare the aboriginal peoples and the afro-descendants, some factors of discrimination and preconception well are seemed.

For example, the question of the cheap man power. The educators need to work intentionally to fight all type of preconception and discrimination. In this work, we will specifically focus the forms for which educators insert in the pertaining to school resume (explicit or not) history and the culture afro-Brazilians.