Laboratory Opening

Lived quality InterDent Zahntechnik GmbH InterDent, German and even manufacturing master laboratory operating in Lubeck with Service laboratories in Berlin, Leipzig and Chemnitz TuV SuD certification has passed easily. Experts of the TuV SuD Management Service GmbH have tested over several days all quality-related aspects with regard to the requirements of the international quality management …

Volcanic Eruption In Iceland: The Side Effects

Danger ensured the for allergy sufferers by pollen-ash mixture long lasting winter, that first little pollen flight took place. But with the spring come also the pollen in swing and soar through the skies. What dangers the meeting can occur with the volcanic ash from Iceland, explains the news portal. After the entire flora …

Stiftung Warentest Is Subject To Pharmatest

Pharmatest Wins Court Frankfurt Foundation for the assessment of services and products in the healthcare market, 01.03.2010 go-ahead for Pharmatest Foundation for the assessment of services and products in the healthcare market, Frankfurt: the urgent procedure between the two recognized non-profit foundations Berlin, Stiftung Warentest, the newcomer recently before the Landgericht Frankfurt lost. Title and …

Sun Light

Sunny health reform would help enough UV light on the skin of the people worldwide to reduce the spread of common diseases and their consequences. In this way, the health systems of many countries could be relieved to billions. Vitamin D, synthesized in the skin of the people by UV light, is the factor that …

Sick Building Syndrome

As further reasons for the reduction of negative ions in indoor air, the generous use is to see concrete steel and steel structures that affect the well-being of the users due to distortion of the Earth’s magnetic field in the structure. Also the Energy fields of electrical House installation or the radiation from wireless technologies …

The Antibiotics Collapse

Combating sepsis and detoxification opportunities every year approximately 15,000 people die in Germany alone by infections of antibiotic-resistant germs. And rising. The 4000 Germans infected annually open tuberculosis, which can be more difficult to treat by antibiotics. Worldwide, each year 1.4 million people die from this. The reason: The antibiotics make increasingly resistance. There is …