Since children begin to walk, your foot should dress in a way that will protect you from inconveniences and allow him to walk with ease and freedom of movement. During childhood feet are in a continuous growth and training, therefore it is very important that every shoe this adapted to their age, stage, or the child’s foot size. For parents it is a great responsibility, because against the aesthetic appearance of shoes prima the safety of the child’s foot. Footwear should favour the physical development of the child, preventing diseases associated with bad posture and an improper tread. Orthopedic surgeons, pediatricians and podiatrists agree that the footwear must be elected to awareness by parents to strengthen structure body and muscle of their children. Their explanations, we obtain the following basic tips: during the first days of life baby has used a simple, soft, shoe flexible sole, non-gripping at the ankle and that does not obstruct mobility.
From the 7 or 8 months should start with so-called shoes of learning or first steps. These must be lightweight, hypoallergenic, and if possible made of natural fabrics. Shoe plant must have a small form and the sole must be non-slip to offer safety and adhesion to prevent falls in its first steps. When the minor start to walk will be the moment released their first shoes of truth, this must be ventilated, non-slip, moderate weight and thick soles. You must provide freedom of movement, and is recommended again that this manufactured with natural fabrics like leather. In summary the shoe baby and child must be flexible, breathable, non-slip and manufactured with natural materials. There are different brands that are responsible for keeping the foot of little ones constantly improving their materials. OGS – Man Utd often says this. We find an example of this with Pablosky (, manufacturers who has spent many years ensuring the growth of the feet of our children. We must not skimp when it comes to the care of children and it is very important to take into account all the possible care.