Green Economy

The humanity is witnessing the dramatical effect of the destruction of the nature, of the ecosystem, in all its extension. They are by means of the islands of heat in the urban centers that cause discomfort, storms and until deaths for dehydration; either the effect greenhouse that comes if aggravating since the first industrial revolution in century XVIII; or the pollution of the ground that intervenes with the healthful food production and compromises the health human being by means of cancergenas illnesses; the constant threats on the extinguishing of animal and vegetal species on account of the exploration of these sorts livings creature I deal for it or for them to be in the front of the tractors that are used to desertificarem the forest on behalf of the disloyal and desumano enrichment; the changes of the global climates by means of a possible global heating; the possibility of the scarcity of drinking waters by means of the pollution of the hdricos resources; at last the humanity if perceives in the same conditions of the animals that try to run away from a forest fire indiscriminate and its forces condemn it the death, provoked for the insensibilidade of ' ' pit bulls' ' of the capitalist economy. Economy this that makes of the ownership, it I sanction, of the accumulation of capital the well more important that life. The life, that is understood as vegetables and animals, exactly that the egoistic look understands only the term life limited to the human being that only can live if the planet also will be alive, you are welcome advances to think the human being about a planet without life, in these conditions does not have survival possibility. Ahead of the ambient problems and the desmedida greed, of the obsceno egoism, the demaggicas and cynical actions, she is necessary to rethink the economy and to remodel its methods so that the ecosystem can be preserved in way that the life also is. .