English Companies

One remembers that its enterprise has a local impact, and that it must be sustainable in its environment. Of one it forms simpler and generic, support means ' ' not to degrade the environment and to keep it ace generations futuras' '. But to transpose these ideas for the concrete reality of the companies is not easy, because they are not even part of Core business of the companies. One is about a culture change, change in the enterprise politics, implantation of new concepts, which demand time, patience, innovation and the work integrated with the interested people. To the few, the corporations are rethink its values, codes of ethics and behavior, models of production and management. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IS a REALITY the companies had passed to be evaluated by the consumers for its performance in the society, that is, is necessary to demonstrate to which its paper in the construction of a more humanitarian society, thus appearing, the concept of social responsibility. The companies need to understand that social responsibility is a reality and that on it also it will depend to guarantee its sustainable development. In recent research it was evidenced that the consumer is influenced in the choice of the products of companies who search the preservation of the environment, that they are not become involved in corrupes and that they contribute for the improvement of the conditions of life of the community.

Its employees, who are its main competitive value, also motivate themselves when working in companies who possess management with social responsibility. Social responsibility is not simply fazerdoao of money or corporeal properties in favor of people or institutions that work with social causes. It is not to give lesson of English for inhabitants of slum quarters alone because you have a chain of English schools; it is not to make campaigns to collect not perishable clothes or foods and to deliver them to ace institutions the ace devoid people.