Mora Mercosur

Fernando de la Mora, Rca. of Paraguay; December 07, 2009. N 13.164-his Excellency Mr DR. TABARe VZQUEZ, President Eastern Republic of Uruguay and President Pro-Tempore of the MERCOSUR e. S.

D. Very respectable Mr President: on behalf of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI of the Republic of Paraguay; I have the high honour to V.E. address on the occasion of the Summit of Presidents of the Mercosur, to greet him very respectfully and to expose the following: that on Tuesday, April 28, 2009, held a meeting in Asuncion, Paraguay; the Parliament of MERCOSUR (PARLASUR), approving the recommendation unanimously, among other points, the Presidents of MERCOSUR recognize the Guarani language as an official language of Mercosur. This recommendation Paraguayan had its origin in a project presented, in his time, by Dr. Hector Lacognata, then parliamentary before Parlasur; and today, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Paraguay.

That recommendation of the Parlasur had input for your study at the last Summit of Presidents of the MERCOSUR, held in last July, in Asuncion; remaining under the authority of this Summit of Mercosur Presidents, currently gathered in Montevideo; issued on the subject. Before the above-mentioned circumstance, come – once more – to request that the Presidents of Mercosur recognize the Guarani as official language of Mercosur together with Spanish and Portuguese. We understand that such recognition will allow a historic, long-delayed repair; that it will also constitute a significant tribute to a common root and a truly American identity that today distinguishes the Mercosur. It should be also noted that more than one decade ago the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI and other institutions and personalities, national and international, are advocating in favour of such recognition. In fact, many authorities of Mercosur have knowledge of our campaign. Mr Presidnete, we believe that this is the historic opportunity to vindicate the Guarani language as a factor of social and historical cohesion of the Mercosur.