Economic Theory

To reach objectives, the players pass for a process decomunicao intra and intergrupal, where he is demanded of all usarhabilidades as: 1. To hear, to process, to understand and to repass information; 2. To give and to receive feedback from form accomplish; 3. To disagree with courtesy, being respected the opinion of the others; 4. To adopt cooperation positions; 5.

To yield space for the colleagues; 6. To move of opinion; To treat conflitivas ideas with flexibility and neutrality. The use of games of companies if became each more present time American nasuniversidades in 1963, a study of the University of the Texasmostrou that the majority of the schools dedicated 40% of the time of the course dePoltica business-oriented to the case studies, 30% to readings and 20% to the osjogos of companies. Had to the positive results, its use extended others to it areas, arriving at Brazil with total force in the decade of 1980. The primeirosjogos that had appeared in Brazil had been translated, and the eramimportados models. Currently, already teams of professional econsultores exist developing simulator that they portray with fidedignidade Brazilian enterprise situations asprincipais. Objectives of the Games of Companies 1.

Training: to develop in the participants the ability of tomardecises through the exercise and experiences in a simulated environment, toparecido how much possible to the environment in which the same ones will have that serrealmente played; 2. Didactic: to transmit specific knowledge (knowledge, techniques and instruments) of the field of practical and experimental the Business administration of ummodo; 3. Research: using the scene propitiated for the game of companies comoum laboratory stops: to discover solutions for enterprise problems; to clarify and to test aspects of the Economic Theory; to search aspects dTeoria of the Administration and to investigate the egrupal individual behavior in conditions of taking of decisions under time pressure eincerteza; 4. Practical that they stimulate performance increases; 5.

Latin America

While to the impeditive factors for enterprising activities, only 32% of the interviewed ones had assumed to have in the fear a factor hinders that them to create its proper business. The enterprising attitude of Brazil, pertaining to the category efficiency-driven, presents the sixth bigger TEA (Tax of entrepreneurs in the initial period of training) of the category, in the value of 15,3%. Brazil is distinguished for having as characteristic trace a considerable stability, keeping a percentage of TEA around 13% between 2001 the 2008. In relation to the discontinuity Brazil presented a reduction in the index of 2009, that he was 5.9%, in comparison with the previous years. The main reasons of the discontinuity of the business had been the financial problems, difficulties in obtaining loans and low profitability. In what it refers to the enterprising aspirations Brazil adopted a shy position, with HEA (Index of High Performance) in the value of 0,5%, behind practically all the considered countries of Latin America in this analysis.

Little more than 50% of the entrepreneurs do not possess hope of creation of ranks of work in the stated period five year, becoming the year of 2009, one of the most limited in this criterion. In relation to the capacity of creation of new products or services for the entrepreneurs, Brazil revealed with one of the lesser indices of newness between all the participant countries, little more than 15%. In the criterion intensity of the competitiveness, the Brazilians had shown to be unaware of its niche of market correctly, therefore 95% of the interviewed ones had said to be submitted to some form of direct competition. Of these around two submitted teros then to much competition. As specialists the shy global results reached by relationary Brazil if directly with the absence of politics governmental effective of support to the entrepreneur, the lack of basic education and superior education. Soon for the reinforcement of the empreendedorismo Brazil must adopt politics to enable the entrepreneurs, supplying information techniques regarding the market, improving with this its positioning in its niche, moreover must simplify the procedures and regulations of legal nature, stimulating of this form an enterprising position on the part of the Brazilians. REFERENCES DORNELAS, Jose Carlos Assis.

Empreendedorismo: transforming ideas into businesses. 3. ed., rev. current e. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier: Campus, c2008. AXE, Joana Paula et al. Empreendedorismo in Brazil 2009. Curitiba, IBQP: 2010.


In the educational scope it was not different. However, the democratization desire was to the little abandoned one and substituted for quality yearnings, having this a happened conception of the enterprise world and reflecting the interests of the ruling class, after all, a democratization does not correspond to the characteristics of the capitalism. The world of the businesses if became reference for all the actions of the man; everything turns around the logic of the market, that said the rules of the game thus the ruling class dominates each time more and believes that the quality of the professional reflects in the product quality, thus reflecting in the amount of the profit. As Snows (2007) the education proposal neoliberal is the proposal of the Brazilian bourgeoisie and its allies. This proposal, formulated and stimulated technique and financially for the international organisms for the underdeveloped countries …

… the pertaining to school education, in all the levels and modalities of education, starts to have as purposes to spread out and to sediment, enters the current and future generations, the enterprise culture, what it means to eticamente conform them technique and eticamente to the occured qualitative changes in world-wide level in the social relations of capitalist production … … the pertaining to school education if would destine, then, to prepare for the simple work and the complex work to give account of the biggest scientific rationality required by the current period of training of organization of the work … With regard to the education of quality, such perspective understands as something that must be granted who will have half to assure it, not as right of all. … The great strategical operation of the neoliberalismo consists of transferring to the education of the sphere of the politics to the sphere of the market, thus questioning its character of right and reducing it its condition of property.

Corso Dog

Cane Corso became popular because it is perfect in the Merchant satellite rights in the contemporary world. It combines the dedication and extraordinary sensitivity, rapid ponimanimanie rules and regulations, the amazing adaptation to life in urban environments. Cane Corso – perfect for silent but understanding each other. Cane Corso can spend hours to be around, lie at the feet of the host, without interfering with his work. It is worth special attention and conflict Cane Corso in contact with other animals and people, it seems that her dignity does not allow her to sink to small skirmishes. Balanced character of Cane Corso, however, will continued only for as long as the dog does not feel a threat to the host and his relatives. Although it is unusual that a dog that was bred in poor rural areas of Italy, became a symbol of respectability in our time, but there is no doubt that the breed Cane Corso waiting more glorious and celebrated the future.


If necessary, apply chock tool (reeling out the ax, snap). The resulting product, in this way is called forging. Form, and the more weight forgings may vary (eg, weight forgings can up to 350 tons and more). The difference is that small and medium-sized forgings are made from rolled billets and large – from ingots. The most widely forged to get air and vapor-air hammers.

Small size of workpiece is treated with pneumatic hammers. The principle of a pneumatic hammer: there are two interconnected cylinders, the working and the compressor. In the role of the elastic connection acts air that is blown piston alternately in the upper and the lower part of the working cylinder, which drives the firing pin, which begins to strike the workpiece. Blows per minute firing pin can be anywhere from 95 to 225. Weight incident of this hammer can reach 1000 kg. Switchgear helps keep the striker at the top or bottom positions. Started work in the hammer with an electric motor.

Vapor-air hammers double actions are used for processing forgings of medium size, having a mass of up to 3 m. The falling of a hammer of mass 1 – 5 tons driven by steam power or compressed air, the frequency of beats per minute – 30 to 60. To work large forgings needed press – hydraulic or parogidravlicheskie. The principle of the hydraulic press is based on the law of Pascal. There is a transfer pressure of up to 20 MPa, was created in the working cylinder, the workpiece through the plunger, Traverse, the firing pin. Parogidravlicheskie different from hydraulic press so that they have a multiplier that can increase pressure to 60-80 psi. Water is supplied to the working cylinder of multiplier. Unique to the modern presses can handle bars up to 500 tons, because such media are operating force until 2000 meganyutonov. Designed to process the workpiece is placed between the movable upper and lower fixed strikers press or hammer. The direction of deformation, or, in other words, the flow of the metal blanks indicate the surface dies and bed-tools, which are in contact with him. When pulling cross-section of workpiece decreases and its length – is increasing. Billets have across dies, moves and Kant it 90 degrees after each compression. First forge a square, while the rate of deformation is the large, and then, if necessary, preparation or rounding the form. To speed up the curved broach used rolling and brisk, which increase the elongation of one compression. In the process of forging a metal workpiece in precipitation increased cross-section due to altitude. When bending the workpiece is clamped between the strikers hammer, you need a local heating of the workpiece. To obtain the same section and place the bend, and the entire length of the workpiece, pre-planting to do – draft of the piece. To flash the holes in the workpiece up to half its thickness proshiven hammered, then harvest should be reversed, and punch a hole through it. Barrel arbor helps to align or expand the hole. Otrubka done with axes. To smooth out small-scale forgings used trowels and large – with the help of light strikes the hammer dies. Can be used to furnish suitable crimping. You can understand even if you're a person, that the process of forging is not easy, but what we can contemplate the beauty in the form of a variety of forged products!

Join the North Carolina Jamboree

In North Carolina the Scouts movement is very popular among the youth. Every year many hundreds of kids congregate together to share some great times at the North Carolina Youth Jamboree. At this amazing even the Boy Scouts of America are joined by North Carolina 4H Club, Boys and Girls Clubs, Girl Scouts of America, and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

The goal of the Jamboree is to showcase the incredible programming which inspires and motivates kids to be and do the best that they can. The Scouts also have in mind to recruit new members, to develop future leaders, and to visit the various public and private youth agencies. But most of all the Scouts of North Carolina are there to have fun.

The Jamboree usually accommodates seven thousand participants, but there is no charge to join. However, each person who does come is asked to kindly bring one canned food item to be donated to a local charitable organization. Participants can either bring their own food for the gathering, or partake in the food that is available on site.

Major sponsors of the Youth Jamboree are: NC Dept of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC and the General Hugh Shelton Leadership Center.