While to the impeditive factors for enterprising activities, only 32% of the interviewed ones had assumed to have in the fear a factor hinders that them to create its proper business. The enterprising attitude of Brazil, pertaining to the category efficiency-driven, presents the sixth bigger TEA (Tax of entrepreneurs in the initial period of training) of the category, in the value of 15,3%. Brazil is distinguished for having as characteristic trace a considerable stability, keeping a percentage of TEA around 13% between 2001 the 2008. In relation to the discontinuity Brazil presented a reduction in the index of 2009, that he was 5.9%, in comparison with the previous years. The main reasons of the discontinuity of the business had been the financial problems, difficulties in obtaining loans and low profitability. In what it refers to the enterprising aspirations Brazil adopted a shy position, with HEA (Index of High Performance) in the value of 0,5%, behind practically all the considered countries of Latin America in this analysis.
Little more than 50% of the entrepreneurs do not possess hope of creation of ranks of work in the stated period five year, becoming the year of 2009, one of the most limited in this criterion. In relation to the capacity of creation of new products or services for the entrepreneurs, Brazil revealed with one of the lesser indices of newness between all the participant countries, little more than 15%. In the criterion intensity of the competitiveness, the Brazilians had shown to be unaware of its niche of market correctly, therefore 95% of the interviewed ones had said to be submitted to some form of direct competition. Of these around two submitted teros then to much competition. As specialists the shy global results reached by relationary Brazil if directly with the absence of politics governmental effective of support to the entrepreneur, the lack of basic education and superior education. Soon for the reinforcement of the empreendedorismo Brazil must adopt politics to enable the entrepreneurs, supplying information techniques regarding the market, improving with this its positioning in its niche, moreover must simplify the procedures and regulations of legal nature, stimulating of this form an enterprising position on the part of the Brazilians. REFERENCES DORNELAS, Jose Carlos Assis.
Empreendedorismo: transforming ideas into businesses. 3. ed., rev. current e. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier: Campus, c2008. AXE, Joana Paula et al. Empreendedorismo in Brazil 2009. Curitiba, IBQP: 2010.