After installing the heat shields heat losses are minimal, the efficiency of space heating – maximum. Relatively inexpensive and reliable device solves the problem of heat: heat is quickly becoming less expensive and the staff and customers more satisfied and loyal. Ensuring minimal heat loss will be even cheaper by using water-air curtains – air curtains with water as coolant. To calculate the air curtain (that is, it is necessary to pick up in your case), you need to know the parameters of the opening (length, height), the desired type of installation (vetrikalno or horizontally), the desired type of veil (electric, water). Heaters, heat guns Our company implements a heat gun – high power heaters that run on diesel oil, kerosene, oil.
We also offer heat guns operating on the principle of petn. For by the fact that the heat gun creates a strong air force, air in the room warms up quickly. Electric heat gun – it's the heater is often used in construction to dry painted walls and plaster. One of the most important advantages of the heat gun – it's mobility. Heat gun can be used in the country during the cold season, apply during the repairs in the apartment or outside on the street. Electric heat gun – a powerful heater (electric), with which you can dry the painted walls or plaster, or create a comfort zone in the open air.
Most heat guns rectangular shape with a heating element in a grid. But there are other models – with a cylindrical body with a heating element, curled in a spiral, such guns give greater air temperature at the outlet. By essentially thermal electric gun – a portable heater that can be installed in the apartment during repairs, to move to the country or to use on the street – this is one of its main advantages. The only drawback – this electric heater to use it, you need a power source. Among the domestic machinery are among the best – electric heat gun Tropic polymer-corrosion coating. When calculating the power heat gun is better to proceed from the fact that for every 10 square meters. m required from 0,8 to 1,4 kW of power. For example, if you plan to use a gun to heat a room of 20 square. m, it will take gun with a capacity of 2 kW.