The organization "Balteh" provides a wide range of works by balancing the rotors. Our experts have extensive experience and research evidence in practice different ways of balancing. According to our experts by rolling need to check whether there is an imbalance of the rotor, in the manufacture of almost any rotary mechanism. But in most cases, this test does not guarantee that no problems at work of the rotor in the overall composition of the mechanism (the exception may be only the mechanisms with narrow disc rotors, for example, type grinding laps). Practice shows that for static balance does not matter what location along the length of the rotor is actually the most severe and where the entire length of the rotor is compensated.
To correct the imbalance of equipment and tools necessary to know the different methods of balancing and professional use in praktike.Chasto difference techniques by the choice of criteria for evaluating the results of balancing: – minimizing the rms residual vibration levels – averages minimization residual levels of vibration – the minimization of the maximum vibration levels on the control points, etc. However, in all cases, if there is an imbalance in the mechanism, any method of balancing is based on one assumption the adoption of which allows both to develop the theoretical aspects of the problem and makes it possible to operationalize the balance in general any rotary machinery. The accuracy of balancing rigid rotors characterized by the product of specific imbalances in the greatest frequency of rotation of the rotor operating conditions. Kvazigibkie and flexible rotors are uprugodeformiruemymi bodies, but can be balanced methods of balancing rigid rotors, if the initial imbalance of each rotor assembly does not exceed certain limits. Otherwise, the required high-frequency balancing. For rotors with a known distribution imbalance: in one, two or more cross-sections – acceptable unbalance should not exceed the allowable imbalance equivalent rigid rotor in accordance with the accepted norms of these quantities. Range precision balancing set of quality control systems and factory-State standards.