To construct the sustainable society, one becomes necessary to define common intentions, on which the rules of the certain direction of individual or collective actions, of any level, are based on the ethics, justice and the equity. Who constructs this society is small actions of each citizen, reflected in popular movements, lead for visionary leaders. Durant portraies which perfectly is the small actions that construct a civilization: The civilization is a river with edges. To the times the river is full of blood that comes of the people who are if killing, stealing, crying out and making things that the historians costumam to register. Meanwhile, in the edges, without being noticed, people construct houses, make love, create children, sing songs, write poetries and until they sculpture statues. The history of the civilization is history of what it happened in the edges of the rivers.
To the measure that a society if establishes on the social, economic equality and politics and on resources you renewed and you recycle, more support produces. In certain measure, it can until using sources you did not renew, but, if making, that it is in rational way without harming the future generations. Of this form, to be sustainable, any enterprise human being must be ecologically correct, viable, economically socially just and culturally accepted. An example clearly of sustainable society is the style of aboriginal life, that if bases solely on sources renewed of energy, basically the photosyntheses. These communities do not use fsseis fuels, and the firewood is used in sustainable way. Visible destruction of the environment does not occur, therefore it adaptam. Group lives in idyllic way for the sustenance it, highly structuralized by means of the abundance of fruits, hunts and fishes. Straw habitations of and wood live in coarse that are displayed to the time. They do not have idea of property nor social desires of distinctions and vanities.