2008 2007Abril PalestrasAgo 2008Ago 2008 Execution of practical of horticulturOut the 2007 AtJan to 2008Mar 2008 AtAgo 2008 ComercializaoNov 2007 2008Maio AtJan 2008At Ago 2008 Day of CampoJulho2008 Elaboration of the Report of PesquisAgo 2008 Exposition in the MEPSet 2008 1.7Recursos – Human: 2 Professors, 09 pupils, 3 parents and 1 employee of the City department of agriculture; – Material: Available in the College: 500 Legal-size sheets of paper, 1 Laboratory of Computer science with 15 computers and 3 printers and 2 cartridges of ink. – Partnership: land (loan pupil father) being that had been used only 48 square meters. Acquisitions in the local commerce: 136 changes of tomatoe, seeds of lettuce and cabbage, 48 square meters of sobrite, 200 meters of wire, 01 rfia wire coil, 01 venturi, 03 meters of pipe pvc rdigo, 03 registers, 01 filter, 30 meters of hose a count, 06 peaks delimiter, 72 meters of dripping gut, 01 costal spray, 01 liter of eye of neem, 100 grams of actara and 100 grams of amistar, organic seasoning, and equipment adjusted for horticulture, etc. Financial: R$ 3,000, 00, being that this mount of money already was partially used for acquisition of the above described materials and the balance of this value is available. The importance mentioned above will be gotten through loans with third.
1.8Referncias BRUM, Argemiro J. Brazilian agriculture: Formation, Development and Perspectives. 3.ed rev. amp. Iju: Ed.