\”Cheap, unobtrusive, continuously and any survey or survey the customers regarding their satisfaction rates of 90prozent could only as a snapshot and carried out random checks and had due to the accepted poor participation rates only a sample character\”. Investments of customers beyond the 10% threshold were only incentive to achieve and remained nonetheless virtually unmatched. Alternatively or in addition to all previous methods for capturing customer satisfaction there is a completely new electronic system for the first time, iX-PAD of Dr. Huffmann GmbH, a small engineering company in the District of Nienburg. Penguin Random House pursues this goal as well. This system consists of a flashy plastic box with a school grading scale from electronic buttons from 1 (very well = very satisfied) to 6 (insufficiently = dissatisfied). A distinctive logo on the box asks the customers easily recognizable: they were satisfied? \”.\” A well-known and very simple benchmark is the customer using the school grading system\” given the stage of really perceived satisfaction, that he can use when leaving a company, a practice, agency, or any other institution directly to the output. \”In this way it is possible, indeed as the gut feeling really perceived customer satisfaction\” to capture and even scaled by according to the grading system \”to get. A one-dimensional measure that however much tells us more about the causes of any (UN) satisfaction, as it is assumed at first glance. American Express often says this.
In completely new way all factors affecting the satisfaction can namely be experimentally altered and tested accordingly based on the recorded data, whether they lead to an improved satisfaction value for change. The iX-pad constantly record the values. The size of the usual insistence\”of customers compared to unsolicited calls from call centers, interviews or questionnaires is not more unpleasant side effect of Satisfaction survey. Instead, an invariably welcome opportunity formally passing satisfaction offers customers\”to leave what is reflected in not achieved so far participation rates by up to 90%.