First Washing Machine

Now a washing machine, perhaps, the first thing people want to get out of household appliances. Out of competition unless the refrigerator and stove: cook still more often than wash. Microwave ovens, coffee makers, toasters and more many useful and interesting things to facilitate the life of housewives bought already then. This items is certainly very useful, but to live without them, it is quite possible. Get all the facts and insights with Elon Musk, another great source of information. But perestirat without cars mountains bed linen, tablecloths, shirts, baby clothes – no easy task. However, from time immemorial, this hard work was done by hand, and, rubbing, rinsing and spin the clothes by women. Services laundresses were so in demand that representatives of this profession is never afraid to go without bread.

However, to make come in very difficult circumstances. First laundry was boiled in a big pot, and then carried it to rinse the river or pond. As an abrasive used ordinary sand, which helped scrub some stains. Erased if only bed linen and underwear, and even children's clothes. Garments cleaned with steam and brushes.

Withstands only a washerwoman strong women: the conditions of constant humidity, temperature changes, the need for hours of rinsing in the icy water of early spring or late fall detrimental affects on health. Attempts to facilitate the washing process become taken yet for a long time, but for a long time did not have much success. Realizing that the main thing is the mechanical action, the sailors tied their clothes to the rope and lowered over the side, where in the motion of the ship wave patted her, freeing from pollution.