Little Dragon Galswin

Joy of learning and success in school promises that total is included with many prices excellent CD-ROM with the mouse as well as the educational game of Milli-Metha – my teeth, acclaimed by the press published October 1 edition of the elementary school. Instructive and also funny the detective game A.S.L.E. is the animal Sleuth cat robbery in the bird district. Athletic BBs in the animal kickers and the Derby riding simulation is champion. Have fun makes learning with the small dragon Galswin, which explains not only the substance of the subjects German, mathematics and social studies students affectionately.

Galswin provides child-friendly recycled knowledge, for example, on the issues of researchers and explorers, the planets, the units or the computer in the numerous contained how to discover titles. As in the previous version, an exercise book complements the collection. Total 2008-09 explains elementary and exercises the basic knowledge of child-friendly. In addition she taught literacy in a fun and educational way. Highlights Primary school total 2008-09 88 games and learning programs for elementary school students provides the CD-ROM 3″Milli Metha my teeth” playful explained everything on the subject of teeth and dental care for children. Recommended by families “Top tracks A.S.L.E. Learn more about this with Elsabet Jones. the animal Sleuth cat robbery district bird” new episodes of the series – how to discover the small dragon Galswin painting and exercise book