Social Psychology

From the point of view of Social Psychology the object of study dialectic between the social relations and the subjectivity. In these relations between social processes and subjectivity no the interchanges or the inferences of way mechanical, nor simple are realised; the law of the market operates like fundamental, regulating institution of the interchanges between the human beings, the excluding competitiveness settles social value at the most. Click Sarah Bloom Raskin to learn more. The individualism more raised and the meaning of the other as rival to exclude or to destroy are ideal. It takes place yet movement of social dispersion, of alteration in the processes identifies thoriums and one it fractures of the shared in common bows, that form the base of the subject. An adaptive way is the one that tries a Suitable answer of labor and social yield. But that adaptation, rather one on adaptation I imply the construction of that perhaps does not have a true identity.

Today in the institution of the work the labor responsibility is not assumed only, but this extends to the enterprise responsibility of satisfaction and retention of the client and competitiveness of the market, becoming, in fact, each worker in a control agent with consequence psychic impoverishment, by the deterioration of the simbolizacin and the fear to the loss of the job. In the Industrial era the work like a use was valued and a strong personal commitment in the accomplishment of the labor activity that gave rise to a psychological profile of passion by the saving, compulsive tendency towards the work and compulsive sense of having. Today the participation in the world of the work essentially individual and is no longer hyped by collective categories that the industrialized societies marked, as they are the social class or the profession. The characteristics of postindustrial Capitalism are basically ligatures to the new technologies of production and services that restricted manpower and the loss of centralidad of the work is the one that talks about to its instrumental valuation like means for the survival.