Children come with the destination in the world, to explore their surroundings. Even infants and toddlers start searching for guidance. This search accompanied a child about his development, even up in the youth age limits. Power struggle, what is it exactly? If children and young people pursue other interests than the adults talk of power struggles. This can show up, for example, while cleaning up. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as MetLife by clicking through. Parents know surely following situation: I want to clean up – you’re being mean, can I make it not later? Grandma is much nicer than you, I want to see Grandma!\” These power struggles have no disease value, they are healthy and even more important for the development of a child.
The deal with decides the educational stress. Adults and parents should take seriously and find a way suitable for itself in dealing with these power struggles. One imagines times a morning routine as a typical power struggle: want to or can not want to get up, deny the wash, do not tighten. A child can be Muscle tension to slack are that it may take a long time to put on a sock. Would parents now hope that pushes the child one day alone such behavior, they would be lost. Here it is to collect ideas, as parents protect themselves at the end of the morning at the same time indicate limits to the child and thus provide guidance.
But now how can I do that? Every adult should be concerned about how the areas of the adults and the children are to define. The adults include responsibility and respect for the personal space to the child. At the present time, it is important again to encourage parents to keep their personal space. Everybody knows fatigue\”the term. Many parents I work with are very tired. Many no longer get their children to public places; so a request is discarded quickly again after a visit to a restaurant.