At the current moment we verify that the appearance of many technologies can to facilitate the processes of education in the distance and that the conviviality and the exchange with other pupils of different spaces will go to collaborate with a great cultural profit that the proper diversity provides. From these changes new educational methods appear, new conceptions of didactic material, new relations human beings and also new relations with the knowledge. In all the educational areas we need to implant and to evaluate courageous initiatives of innovative education, but on the other hand, we cannot never wait of long-distance education the solution for all the problems accumulated throughout as many failed to meet governmental plans and that the projects come back toward this modality of education will go to save the Brazilian education. 2 THE EXISTING RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PROFESSORS AND THE PUPILS IN EDUCATION IN THE DISTANCE Century XXI appears marked for diverse characteristics as the globalizado world and the sprouting of a new society that if stipulated to be called society of knowledge. This scene brings diverse transformations in all the sectors of the life human being. The technological progress is visible and the importance given to the information is undisputed. This progress of the technology acts, mainly, as facilitador in the communication process, therefore currently it is possible to process, to store, to recoup and to communicate the information in any format, without interference of factors as in the distance, the time or the volume. In education in the distance the professors and pupils are not normally together, physically, but they can be connected, linked for technologies as the Internet, but also they can be used the similar post office, radio, television, video, CD-ROM, telephone, fax and other technologies. In the present time we can count on the actual education, semiactual and long-distance education (or virtual).