The objective of this work was to supply the requirements of item III and IV of the Geoambiental Finding elaborated for 27 Lots B and 27 C of the Soil Maring Patrimony. Of this form, florstico and faunstico survey represents an important tool to evaluate the existing arbreos fragmentos, as well as the local fauna, and thus, to supply to subsidies decision taking how much the eventual paisagsticas modifications for implantation of one determined enterprise. 2 METHODOLOGY the survey of the referring data to the biological way enclosed the total area of 27 lots B and 27 C of the Soil Maring Patrimony, in the city of Maring, state of the Paran. The collection of the information referring to this project was carried through in the month of October of 2008 and searched to identify to the species gifts for the florstica evaluation and faunstica place. The procedures adopted for the identification of joined specimens had been: Evaluation of the available morphologic characteristics in the vegetal samples, during the walked one in the land, for visual interpretation; For the study of species of the ciliar bush, parcels distributed randomly in the areas had been delimited of evaluated forest fragmentos; The data of the individuals that had presented equal or superior CAP (circumference in the height of the chest) the 15 centimeters had been mensurados and registered in field fiches. The height of the individuals was written down, using a podo of 9 meters as it scales. Some species with inferior CAP the 15 centimeter, as fuchsiaefolia Peschiera, dracunculifolia Baccharis and Solanum verbascifolium in the same way had been elencadas, due to predominance in the evaluated area; Leves, flowers and fruits had been collected, for comparison with specialized bibliography and attainment of the scientific name of the species. With regard to the local fauna, the estimate of the wealth and diversity of species if gave by rough estimate for naked visualization, during walked permanence and in the place of study, and comparison of the respective morphologic characteristics with bibliography specialized for attainment of the scientific name of the showed individuals.