The Sky light despertou the strong it. It saw a surrounded blue sky piece of building with a round white cloud in moon form. That vision was surprising, thought it, as if the sky wanted to open to the force a space to pass between the building that if espremiam looking for impediz it to illuminate the soil. It listened to voices and, as in a caleidoscpio, unknown faces of varied expressions if they occurred in its ray of vision. It did not understand what they said, but for some reason she was not imported, as if they were of another different world of its. What it only bothered was the reduction of its ray of vision of the sky to each time that one or more faces appeared.
That sky was very pretty e, suddenly, if it remembered that in the last times it looked at little for it. He walked on very in the things of the soil and is forgotten to look at for the high one. For who it dreamed in finishing its days in mountains this at least ironic age. Why if it would have moved away in such a way from its more important pleasures, as to be in the high one of a mountain without will to come back? What it would have happened to make with that it leagued itself in such a way in elevators, subways and taxis and it did not have more time to walk for that woody track, with I smell of wet weeds bordering the stream, in direction to the top of its favourite mountain? Perhaps they were the twin arrested who it in a sea of obligations of school, day-care center, little parties of small anniversary and as much other coisinhas. Perhaps it was the great love of its life, today its woman, who with the time only if had become a partner of its ' ' enterprise vida' ' as they costumavam to play.