-Deliver accurate data in places where can refer to receive treatment. -If the student agrees to go to the health sector He could deal with that this derivation is performed. -The first step in this direction is to find out if the family understands the situation of consumption. -If the answer is positive and prior consultation to the boy, should meet with the / the young and the family, to assess the support of the members of the family. After the bypass, the / the mediator to responsible must be kept in constant contact with the family and the young to follow the evolution of the problem.
-If in the family, on the contrary, there is no member in terms of providing the necessary support, in these cases, it is crucial that the support that we can provide, carry out a monitoring and reunited permanently with him/her (if professionals require it) – in cases in which the family does not know the problem, it is necessary to assess whether or not it is convenient to communicate it, depending on the seriousness of the situation. For this reason, it is important to know the reason of ignorance. Is possible that the / boy/a does not want to go in a direct way on the subject. In this case, will have to be attentive to aspects such as the following: the presence of other problems of drug use in the family, domestic violence, degree of emotional support within the family, ways in which the family puts limits. The reason for concealment may be due to the presence of any of these items or result from an unfounded fear by the young revelation. -In cases in which the young is agree with communicating its consumption to your family and you assess that this will play a role of positive reinforcement, should get together with the family group and support the interview process.