World Heritage Wadden Sea

Photo exhibition with work by Dr. Martin Stock in the Miramar Hotel with a unique exhibition of photographs, all in the space of culture caused Wadden Sea, Hotel Miramar (Tonning/Nordfriesland) enters its this year’s season. In June 2009, UNESCO declared officially to the world natural heritage site nature Wadden Sea. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Nike and gain more knowledge.. Worldwide received this Nobel Prize of nature”only 176 unique natural landscapes such as, for example, the Gran Canyon or the Galapagos Islands. 10,000 square kilometres includes the reserve and stretches over 400 km of coastline. “The photographer Martin Stock to this topic 2009 a fascinating illustrated presented, the UNESCO World Heritage Wadden Sea” presents a wider audience. Analog to the illustrated book, this exhibition also portrayed a brittle, often harsh world, whose beauty and poetry often open themselves up on second glance.

A line by Christian Morgenstern characterized this very applicable: There is no soul that had not its Wadden Sea, where at the time of low tide walk anyone can.” The unique habitat of world natural heritage is Wadden Sea in unusual perspectives and presented excerpts and focuses geographically on the West coast of Schleswig-Holstein. After stocks successful exhibition last fall at the Hotel Miramar (Wadden Sea dwarfs”) these exhibits are almost as a supplement to see: now are no longer just the small inhabitants of the Wadden Sea in the Center, but the landscape itself in its incredible diversity and constant changeability. In aerial photographs, stunning landscape and sea pictures and detailed macro nature on our doorstep will truly a magical”place. This superbly composed exhibition stocks must be understood as also its publication – as a gentle reminder to preserve this unique heritage our descendants. Dr.

Martin Stock works as a biologist in the Monitoringabteilung in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea National Park Office. He is also as a photographer in the National Park on the road; This activity was a series of publications, calendars and illustrated books out. In recent years, he has change the photo project in the Watts”launched. His images also known as Diavographien or fine art to see objects on the canvas in various exhibitions are for some time.