In the infancy that the individual initiates its independence and interaction through the word, and is in this period of the life that the children start if to interest for the reading. In Brazil, few children have contact with the reading before entering the school, since the habit to read is not in the priorities of the population. When entering in contact with literature in the school, the child many times finishes if seeing obliged to read books that are very beyond its capacity lingustica, or still, finds professors who do not like or they do not possess experience enough to use literature as instrument for the production of knowledge and formation of new readers.
In this way, this work questions why Infanto-Youthful Literature is treated as mere pastime in the pertaining to school institutions, and not as an ideal instrument in the educative process? Thus being, this academic production presents its importance in the fact to notice that the pertaining to school institution is perceived, currently, as the great space of initiation to the life that to each one fulfills to live in its social environment. It fits, however, to stand out that this initiation depends, determinatively, of the conviviality of educating with the book. In this way, the importance in if arguing regarding the relevance of Infanto-Youthful Literature in the initial series in the public schools if must to the fact recognize in the pertaining to school institution a space that privileges (or it would have to privilege) the reading and the access of workmanships. The true illiterate is that one that learned to read and not l.’ ‘ (Mrio Quintana). To have the privilege to know to read and simply not to use to advantage it to discover the world that if hides for detrs of books is as to have wing and not to fly to know the world..