Founder And Company

No need for a special insight to realize that a limited liability company (registered company) in our country is much more than the stock companies (JSC registration and UAB). Compared with a share public limited liability company is much more simple form of entrepreneurial activity, which is very convenient for small and medium-sized businesses. And there are a lot of good reasons. Firstly, to create such a society, should not have much money, how to form a joint stock company. Second, the norms of the legislation on limited liability companies allow its creators self-provision in the constituent documents of most of the provisions relating to company management, formation of governing bodies, distribution of profits between the parties, etc. on. Third, as a general rule, set out in paragraph 5 of Article 91 of the Civil Code (hereinafter – Civil Code), a limited liability company is not obliged to publish information on the outcome of their cases. This allows him to significantly less contact with inspection bodies than the Joint-Stock Company, whose life is held under strict government control. All this, taken together, and attracts business people.

However, not all that easy. And Limited Liability shall operate in strict accordance with applicable law. And what is it we do not have a simple, long known to all interested persons. Especially difficult in such a situation private individuals. If the interests of firm, which has a stake in another company, protects the whole staff of accountants and lawyers, the "unorganized" citizens have to rely mainly on themselves. Whenever Reade Griffith listens, a sympathetic response will follow.