From the inauguration of the event, that finalizes today, Morals denounced the historical debt of Capitalism with the Mother Earth, we only have two ways: The Pachamama (Mother Earth, in aymara) or the death. Capitalism dies or dies the Mother Earth. Capitalism lives or lives the Mother Earth. That forceful the Bolivian president expressed itself, Evo Morales, during the inauguration of the world-wide conference in Tiquipaya with the social participation of indigenous towns and movements. It denounced the historical debt of Capitalism with the global heating and indicated that they will be the indigenous towns that show how to save the Mother Earth, according to Azkintuwe. In this day, colombiaaprende., contributes mainly, that the Day of the Earth invites the people, but to the Governments, to make decisions and to create laws that base the care of the Planet.
The governors are many who, from 1970, have worked in Pro to the environment, trying that to diminish the serious effects that the humans we have caused on the same. The Earth maintains the course of the life for billions of years. Everything what the man needs to survive comes from the nature, in addition is not the unique existing species, thus have forgotten many it. We share everything what the Earth offers to us with the other species, but we refused to respect those other service lives. Although the panorama is complex, still we are in time to obtain a change.
The Earth needs many hands, between those yours. Thinking about this, we have created a series of advice who will help you to protect the planet without leaving your house. It shares this information with your family and friendly, already you will see that if all we collaborated, the Earth will see beneficiary. It uses saving small pumps (Algeno), because energy consumes 80% less than than an incandescent one. Although it seems the opposite, a water escape, even a small drop, can waste up to 13 liters of water to the day. Asegrate to fix them as soon as it is possible. If your family goes away of trip, tries to leave empty, disconnected and clean the refrigerator, with the open door so that fungi and bacteria do not form. She avoids to buy ” ambientadores” , The best thing is to ventilate the rooms and to put plants with aromatic natural flowers. Acostmbrate to use reloadable batteries or batteries in all the apparatuses require that them. They cost more, but to medium term they are much more profitable and they help to restrain the environmental deterioration. It avoids to buy aerosols or spray in whose composition gases take part clorofluorcarbonados (CFC), which affect the ozone layer. The refrigerator far from the stove or of some other source of heat locates, therefore the motor strives less and consumes less energy. It uses a gas stove instead of an electrical one, thus will save until a 70% of energy. If frost forms, defrosts the refrigerator before the layer reaches 3 mm of thickness, otherwise its consumption will increase until a 30%. You do not leave the key open while you cepillas the teeth. A glass with water is sufficient for the dental cleaning.