The Question

In another way, to work so that the Brazilian schools if become a public space that it has equality of treatment and oportunidades' '. Today many works exist that they aim at to understand the question of the black in the society and also to rescue its culture, its customs, its belief and values FERNANDES, 2007; BOCK, 2007; HERNANDEZ, 2006; PANTOJA, 2004). However, still the reached result is small mainly when it is mentioned to the valuation of the black black while. The racial discrimination and the preconception still reveal gifts in such a way in the schools as in other sectors, even so it has many nuances and the discrimination if it shows in subtle way. A study carried through for UNESCO on the racial relations in the school it affirms that ' ' … the race concept implies to consider its plasticity necessarily, pondering the dynamics that the mestization provokes in the sociorraciais relations in terms of gradations, wants how much the stigmata, want how much the acceptances and nominations of outro' ' (UNESCO, P.

145, 2006). Although the importance of the subject, does not exist many research on this question in Roraima. Arantes, Macedo, Joaquin, Magalhes, Saints, Sheep and Saints (2009) portray the question of the preconception against the aboriginal peoples of the state. However, they are ignored by its presence and are treated as ' ' caboclos' '. Sheep (2009, p.161) affirms that ' ' although in some cases the presence of indians is basic for the attendance of its interests, as in the arregimentao of man power barata' '. If to compare the aboriginal peoples and the afro-descendants, some factors of discrimination and preconception well are seemed.

For example, the question of the cheap man power. The educators need to work intentionally to fight all type of preconception and discrimination. In this work, we will specifically focus the forms for which educators insert in the pertaining to school resume (explicit or not) history and the culture afro-Brazilians.

PETs Manager

The techniques of collection of data had been comment of the place (infrastructure) and cultural factors of the freqentadores in relation the questions related to the environment the implementation of this project were carried through in diverse stages, which had been carried through gradually, similar of that the objectives were reached in its fullness, this gradual process provided to greater easiness of acceptance on the part of all the involved ones, also of those more resistant mannering changes. The number of stages, as well as the sequences of priorities had been established in agreement necessity and interest of the orienting and implementador ambient manager of this project. All the involved ones first had been observed by the ambient manager and those that had together demonstrated practical knowledge and of subjects related to the environment with leader characteristic, had been called to be ' ' supervisores' ' of the project and to help mainly in the motivation of all for the accomplishment of the project and in the collection of the necessary materials for the confection of pufes. All the comment process was carried through of open and without no type of secrecy and opened form for possible suggestions. All the comments and suggestions duly had been analyzed, and in cases of notoriety of its relevance to the objectives of this project they had been used. Some of the stages initially suggested of the project had been: Elaboration of educative material and of the brochures of spreading of the project; Spreading of the date of beginning of the project through brochures to be distributed in the school, of form to attract the biggest number of people; Beginning of the collection of PETs bottles, adhesive ribbons, fabrics, necessary to the confection of pufes, that they had been carried through by the interested parties in also participating of the project and by the ambient manager; Up to 10 days before the beginning project, the necessary material for the elaboration of first pufes was gotten all; In the date of inauguration of the project, the educative material was distributed all; the concepts of &#039 had been explained; ' 4 R? s' ' , emphasizing the benefits to the environment and the health and hygiene human being, and finally it started to also explain the project of elaboration of pufes from the reutilizao of PETs bottles, relating the benefits of the project to the environment and in the generation of income for the school or even though families; One observed the potentials ' ' supervisores' ' that they had assisted the ambient manager in the development of the project and invited to participate them it; finally, after the ending of the implantation of the project, had the accompaniment so that the developed and implanted project, did not paresse in the school.

Mexico Cityflowers

According to documents, the origin of the cult by the death dates from the Prehispanic era, where different indigenous groups made offerings and worshipped death or to the underworld; with the passing of the years and the blending of cultures, elements of Brazilian and based on Catholic doctrines, were taken to give rise to what is now known as church Catholic traditional Mexicana-Estadounidense, explains the same note. In this day of the dead celebration are offered a wide range of products, which should ensure that date and meet the demand, as in the Mexican case, where it is said, hundreds of people with flowers, food, beer, guitars and even accompanied with mariachis come to the various pantheons the sawdust from colors tapestry Mexico Cityflowers of marigolds, seeds painted various shades, music and a very special party looks this first and November two points of us, Bishop Antonio Gonzalez Sanchez, lamented that many traders see Saints and all souls day as a business, i.e., florists and crowns sellers want to raise their sales and sometimes abuse of persons; Ojala that the feast of all souls will not become an economic issue, it is said that florists or those who sell flowers double, triple the price of flowers. And I invited people to not get to consumerism, and to his being that he already left this world, before God it is worth more a prayer that a flower, said. Conclusions ultimately, the Dia de los muertos is tapped by scholars of markets, so it involves, especially everything concerning the behaviour of the consumer, where traders, those who identify with this celebration should know well offer their products, taking into account the cultural roots, tradition. The florist for example, must in advance be prepared regarding flowers, arrangements that will offer, in order to meet the demand for this product and the needs of consumers with flowers than most purchased, for example, roses, lilies, among others. * Notes of marketing, virtual classroom, graduate program, specialty the quality management and productivity, Faces, University of Carabobo..


If it cannot walk in needle heels, it does not buy them. Stroll by the store in several meters of height reason why you know what you can be unemployed to walk pulg. You also do not wish that the too high heels to where you are stopped more stop than before. The purchase of a pair of groups is always due to consider. It is made them feel as if you within a pair of sport slippers were nowadays, reason why has the good comfort with the suitable appearance. But one does not finish buying the groups, that asegrese of are done specifically for type of shoes that wears.

You would like open or closed – toe with his dress, lady? If you do not glide in obtaining a pedicura, or making one you same, shortages do not go with the fingers. But to have the fingers shortages is what you love, the plan of hydration in the manufacture of the feet and the elimination of a cruel ritual, thus beforehand. You do not want to draw attention on his feet if they do not see themselves well. To break those shoes in! He does not hope until the day that he begins to use those shoes. Most of the time in that to take heels would sit down uncomfortable, once tmese the time to the day for the wearing down and plows for the first time of the same, your feet will thank for it. Unfortunately, all they happen looking for the suitable shoes all along to us, and it never uses them during all night, never matters more. It tries to make his purchase is worth the pain, something that is going to take again, because they see well and comfortable, so it will not lose nor a cent. It arrives is what I am going to offer to them. Perhaps you known all this are, I even know more than. It does not matter, you can you follow it or no, everything is the decided thing by you. Desire that will help to you in at night buying its shoes taken with dresses.


Delete subjects which are not adapted to the reality of the present and give way to new knowledge that modern administrative science demands, as well as identify with the demands of the knowledge society; interpret, act according to the new technological innovations, especially considering the scope, implications of new electronics technology, adopt new methods of learning, giving way to new models, properly handle all matters relating to courses, postgraduate courses, teaching online. It is necessary to restructure the time that it takes to train, train graduates in administration, which in our opinion instead of five years can be achieved in four, if we consider the subjects knowledge which are applied according to needs economic, trade of new openings that have generated blocks cheap., all this benefits alPais, sector entrepreneur, University, participants In addition to minimization of costs. It is necessary to define the new profile from the administrator who must be a proactive professional, strategist, creative, innovative, Planner, backed with the knowledge that modern managerial topics require in order to ensure competition, productivity and efficiency at the company where they work. An administrator who is a charismatic, participatory leader, a coaching able to properly manage the resources of the company, from materials, to the human. A leader who knows how to deal with the changes, challenges and generate the actions required to ensure competition, development to the company. Requires school pay more attention to the selection of its teaching staff, select those who are guarantors of transmission of knowledge, especially of motivation in order to give way to new administrative paradigms which favour the country, new knowledge that is geneen of the participants themselves. Need of experienced teachers, updated, researchers, entrepreneurs, proactive, motivating knowledge fully identified with teaching, and above all, able to carry out investigations that invite future graduates to empathize with national and global reality. Teachers, who face the challenges posed by the country, which are able to integrate its students through proposals, modelosque poporcionesn solutions to the different problem faced by the business sector, specifically in SMEs.

Office Projects

With the beginning of January, Alvarez Puga y Asociados emerged new projects, new horizons of opportunities, and of course, all framed by the professionalism that characterizes our team. But hey, the intention of this article is to begin to glimpse how has passed this month? So far, we say with pride, we have seen corporate and squares Alvarez Puga y Asociados, there in new projects not only from the scope of the comprehensive work we carry out since our emergence and strengthening (of the fiscal and legal category) but also projects in the field of corporate social responsibility and also, within this, our Green commitment campaign strategic projects; factors that make us proud, because we realize that began a new year, the 1st. month of this, not only pushed for the work that has characterized us in recent years, but also in tasks that we focus more on our society, forging activities Pro benefits social, focused on values, ethics and caring environment. We know that January still has a few days ahead, but before this, we are fully satisfied with what has begun to take shape. Knowing in advance that these projects, own of the firm, the attraction of new clients, as well as the social and environmental, labor will be widely strengthened at the end of this month. So it is not expected, that in this space, as well as in our social and other networks, demos to know each one of our readers, supporters and friends new activities and work that exalt our Corporate Social responsibility and why not, that lead us to explore other fields of action in which show is the commitment that is being promoted in the Office every day and that is both the team Alvarez Puga bearing fruits, as now noted, in the course of the month. In the same way, both in our social networks as web pages, we have requested our readers and all those who interact with us, giving us suggestions, tips in relation not only to our content on these web sites, but also in relation to new fields of action that we could take, always towards the society and our country, we are widely committed with the development that this should boost.


INTRODUOO study of the corporative governana deals with the set of instruments of public and private nature, that include laws, normative forwarded by regulating agencies, internal regulations of the company and commercial usage, that they organize and they command the relation, in a market economy, between the controllers and administrators of a company, of a side, and those that in it resources through the purchase of movable values for it invest emitted as, among others, the minority stockholders and holders of debentures. The necessity of organization and use of models of management on the part of the organizations is decurrent of some occurred phenomena of very dynamic form, where as main they can be elencar: the advent of the globalization, the technological opening of the domestic market for imported products, advances, the reduction of profit edges and the end of the playing the money market, with the economic stabilization tried by Brazil throughout the last years. A significant amount of companies never if worried effectively in developing and using management models on the basis of countable and managemental information for the attainment of the longed for results. However, the entrepreneurs start to feel the necessity of if organizing, elaborating a flow of consistent information, and to speed the process of taking of decisions, beyond searching alternatives of control and rationalization of the operation costs. The quarrel on corporative governana appeared to surpass the call conflict of agency of the managers, that is resulted of the separation between the property and the management in the company. This conflict of interests can assume distinct characteristics in function of the structure of property of the companies. The relevance that the controllers and administrators must give to this type of approach of the subject can be measured by the following comment: To evaluate the company as intention to manage it on the basis of the evolution of its value is current concern of practically all the main executives, making with that in the next years the creation to value for the shareholder probably if becomes the global standard for mensurao of the performance of the business. .

Choosing A Free Blogging Site

Choosing a free blogging site Choosing a free blogging site can be overwhelming on the ground that there are so many options to select. There are several large sites for housing blogs dominate the blogosphere, but there are also smaller sites. If you decide to join a well defined or known as Blogger, or if you decide to blog with a relatively new company depends on your priorities. Reliability is perhaps the best reason to choose a free blog site large and well known. When you choose to have your blog in a established and known site, you can be sure that your blog will not crash often and not disappear in the middle of the night.

A business blogger who has been a long time is likely to have the resources to ensure that their customers are not unpleasantly surprised by any technical fault. However, many bloggers decide that this is not enough for a point of sale. The bloggers who choose to go with new and small sites hosting blogs, do so for a variety of reasons, but perhaps main advantage is a rather abstract. Bloggers tend to enjoy the fact that the Internet is a place where the underdogs have a great chance of success, and choosing to have a small company as their hosting of the blog, a blogger is betting for David against Goliath. In my next article that you should review our new blogger after he already has his blog running. Clarify better according to the objective of the blog. Be sure to read it.

Program Green Team

So Paulo, Brazil – 01 of August of 2011? The Kaspersky Lab, leader in protection premium for endpoints and solutions of management of threats, credencia the first Platinum partners of the Program Green Team in Brazil. From this month, the peddlers Alone Network and Network Secure, who before counted on the Gold classification, had raised the level of partnership to the biggest platform of the program and starts to count on benefits and exclusive awardings. With the announcement, the Kaspersky – that it acts exclusively by means of its business-oriented partners -, strengthens its commitment with the canal in the Country. The strategy of the company now is to extend the presence in the national market of security, what it will demand greaters commercial responsibilities, techniques and of marketing on the part of the partners. It enters the privileges granted for the Platinum classification, the peddlers start to usufruct of a preferential attendance in the areas of canals, daily pay-sales and marketing; participation in Annual Conferences of Partners and fruns special; right the exclusive prizes and remunerations. ' ' We looked partners with abilities to fulfill to goals and bold business-oriented plans and that they keep a commercial team and technique highly specialized and we find this in the Network Ground and the Network Secure. Both the companies had in recent years demonstrated excellent results, reaching growth of sales of up to 100%. With the comprometimento of the Platinum canals in Brazil, the Kaspersky is prepared to expand the businesses in new squares and to increase the capillarity of the net in the corporative market of great averages and empresas' ' , it affirms Maurcio Mota, manager of canals of the Kaspersky Lab in the Country. Created in 2009, the program Green Team will focar more in the qualification of the existing partners already, by means of training, with the objective to become them more competitive and ambassadors of the Kaspersky in Brazil.

English Companies

One remembers that its enterprise has a local impact, and that it must be sustainable in its environment. Of one it forms simpler and generic, support means ' ' not to degrade the environment and to keep it ace generations futuras' '. But to transpose these ideas for the concrete reality of the companies is not easy, because they are not even part of Core business of the companies. One is about a culture change, change in the enterprise politics, implantation of new concepts, which demand time, patience, innovation and the work integrated with the interested people. To the few, the corporations are rethink its values, codes of ethics and behavior, models of production and management. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IS a REALITY the companies had passed to be evaluated by the consumers for its performance in the society, that is, is necessary to demonstrate to which its paper in the construction of a more humanitarian society, thus appearing, the concept of social responsibility. The companies need to understand that social responsibility is a reality and that on it also it will depend to guarantee its sustainable development. In recent research it was evidenced that the consumer is influenced in the choice of the products of companies who search the preservation of the environment, that they are not become involved in corrupes and that they contribute for the improvement of the conditions of life of the community.

Its employees, who are its main competitive value, also motivate themselves when working in companies who possess management with social responsibility. Social responsibility is not simply fazerdoao of money or corporeal properties in favor of people or institutions that work with social causes. It is not to give lesson of English for inhabitants of slum quarters alone because you have a chain of English schools; it is not to make campaigns to collect not perishable clothes or foods and to deliver them to ace institutions the ace devoid people.