
At the current moment we verify that the appearance of many technologies can to facilitate the processes of education in the distance and that the conviviality and the exchange with other pupils of different spaces will go to collaborate with a great cultural profit that the proper diversity provides. From these changes new educational methods …

Evaluation CAP

The objective of this work was to supply the requirements of item III and IV of the Geoambiental Finding elaborated for 27 Lots B and 27 C of the Soil Maring Patrimony. Of this form, florstico and faunstico survey represents an important tool to evaluate the existing arbreos fragmentos, as well as the local fauna, …

The Sky

The Sky light despertou the strong it. It saw a surrounded blue sky piece of building with a round white cloud in moon form. That vision was surprising, thought it, as if the sky wanted to open to the force a space to pass between the building that if espremiam looking for impediz it to …