To reach objectives, the players pass for a process decomunicao intra and intergrupal, where he is demanded of all usarhabilidades as: 1. To hear, to process, to understand and to repass information; 2. To give and to receive feedback from form accomplish; 3. To disagree with courtesy, being respected the opinion of the others; 4. To adopt cooperation positions; 5.
To yield space for the colleagues; 6. To move of opinion; To treat conflitivas ideas with flexibility and neutrality. The use of games of companies if became each more present time American nasuniversidades in 1963, a study of the University of the Texasmostrou that the majority of the schools dedicated 40% of the time of the course dePoltica business-oriented to the case studies, 30% to readings and 20% to the osjogos of companies. Had to the positive results, its use extended others to it areas, arriving at Brazil with total force in the decade of 1980. The primeirosjogos that had appeared in Brazil had been translated, and the eramimportados models. Currently, already teams of professional econsultores exist developing simulator that they portray with fidedignidade Brazilian enterprise situations asprincipais. Objectives of the Games of Companies 1.
Training: to develop in the participants the ability of tomardecises through the exercise and experiences in a simulated environment, toparecido how much possible to the environment in which the same ones will have that serrealmente played; 2. Didactic: to transmit specific knowledge (knowledge, techniques and instruments) of the field of practical and experimental the Business administration of ummodo; 3. Research: using the scene propitiated for the game of companies comoum laboratory stops: to discover solutions for enterprise problems; to clarify and to test aspects of the Economic Theory; to search aspects dTeoria of the Administration and to investigate the egrupal individual behavior in conditions of taking of decisions under time pressure eincerteza; 4. Practical that they stimulate performance increases; 5.